our wide range
of services
We screen all of our affiliates so you can feel confident in hiring them. Learn more about our code of ethics we hold our service partners to before ordering services.
Services Directory
Over the decades we've seen some really ugly ways people do business, and our service partners have had dozens of clients come to them after a bad experience. Black Draak exists because too many clients are getting scammed for thousands of dollars and having to restart their projects. Sometimes it's poor workmanship, and other times it's because the provider ran off and never gave them their work.
Black Draak seeks to do for the website creation industry, what Realtor did for real estate. Accountability. Integrity. We need to make sure clients stop losing everything just so someone in a far flung corner of the world can get loaded off their wallet. We want to bring honesty to the website creation services industry.
When you shop with one of the providers in our directory, you should feel confident that you're hiring someone who can get the job done and will treat you fairly, and respond in a timely fashion.
Have you ever watched the news and wondered why an injustice was even allowed to happen in the first place? It's downright gut wrenching and you wish for everything that you could be there to stop that injustice. Same with us. We see clients getting taken for a ride left and right, and we need to stop this mess. So we offer you a free directory of prescreened providers below.
In the nature of full disclosure, we earn a commission when you buy through one of our links. It doesn't increase your costs, and our reputation is on the line, so you can count on us not just listing the highest commission services. If people trust us, they shop with us many times. If they don't trust with us, they buy once. So, we need to do this right.